WEIGHT: 65 kg
Bust: B
One HOUR:100$
Overnight: +30$
Sex services: Travel Companion, Watersports (Giving), Humiliation (giving), Golden shower (out), Facials
Many people still take vacations to this city every year. When guys travel here one of the things they always want help with is finding girls for sex in Athens, Greece. Prostitution is regulated and legal, but street prostitution or pimping is not. Meeting Athens escorts online is growing in popularity, and one of the best ways to find the hottest girls. Most of the brothels are pretty cheap but there are some higher end ones around.
But why would a girl want to work in a brothel and have to have sex with any guy that walks through the door? Instead she can be an online escort then pick and choose who she goes with, and charge whatever she wants. Lets start with the brothels because they are the main way to find hookers and then work our way around to the other spots.
You will often find certain streets or alleys that are just loaded with brothels up and down the street. We mean the actual experience when you are in the room with the girl. Expect it to be a very quick, rushed session. Head in, bang her in one position, maybe two if you are lucky, and go on with your day. If you want to do more, or a longer session it is possible but you will have to pay more. You will find hookers from all over Eastern Europe working in these brothels, not just girls from Greece but also from Romania and other countries in the region.
There are many brothels all around town, but the Filis Red Light District in Athens is where you will find the highest concentration of them. If you want to have a big selection of sexy girls to choose from head there. If you walk by a building and there is a red light by the door you probably just found a brothel. Other areas of town where there are known to be many brothels are around Metaxourgeio, Gazi, Plaka, or Monastiraki.
Your best bet is to just head to the Filis Red Light District or hop in a taxi and ask for a brothel or girls. With so many legal brothels around erotic sex massage parlors are rare in Athens. Many of the massage parlors around town are actually massage parlors and not fronts for brothels like in most parts of the world these days.