WEIGHT: 53 kg
Breast: AA
1 HOUR:50$
Overnight: +40$
Sex services: Fetish, Domination (giving), Receiving Oral, Sex vaginal, Cum in mouth
A big misconception about Las Vegas is that many vacationers believe prostitution and brothels are legal. They are not. Las Vegas is in Clark County which exceeds the limit. So what happens is that the brothel operators are limited to rural areas of the state.
The legal brothels operate in remote locations on dusty roads, out of the way, in the middle of nowhere. So they have to be frugal with their expenditures. There are no huge water features with tons of fountains, no volcano erupting every 30 minutes, and no pirate ship to lure you in.
Just a small building with a western facade and maybe a little neon and a hand-painted sign to mark their spot. For the most part, they all started small and added on as their clientele grew. They have decent girls, decent drinks, and a place to stay for the night if you have the coin. There is a hotel and restaurant on-site for road-weary travelers. They have a good lineup of girls on rotation. Chicken Ranch is smaller, but offers similar amenities.
Alien Cathouse is about 90 minutes from Las Vegas, near area This is a much smaller brothel with a very modest offering of girls. No matter your kink, you can negotiate for pretty much any sexual act you want at a Nevada brothel. You and your girl simply must agree on the act and price before the party starts. Keep in mind, not all girls provide all services, so when in doubt, check their profile beforehand. Just be honest and upfront.
Each brothel offers a unique list of amenities, as you can see from the table below. But the girls are really the main attraction, and Chicken Ranch definitely holds its own in that regard. Just be realistic about what facilities are important to you. Which ones will you actually want to use? Which ones can you afford?