WEIGHT: 53 kg
Bust: 36
1 HOUR:250$
NIGHT: +60$
Sex services: Facials, Strap On, Cum on breast, Swinging, Massage professional
Prostitution in Uruguay was legislated in through the sex work law Police and municipal government are in charge of determining in which areas brothels may exist considering the characteristics of the place. However brothels may not function near schools or high schools.
Usually brothels use a red light as distinctive, or have discrete announcements with the name of the establishment and a suggestive phrase to attract clients. In order to open, a brothel must have the authorization of the municipal government and the state police and follow certain rules dictated by the ministry or public health. Both, males and females over the age of 18 can work as prostitutes.
Sex works must enroll the national sex work register, this demands an initial and periodical health checks focus in the prevention, detection and treatments of STDS. The register gives the worker a license which is necessary to work in brothels. All data from the register is confidential.
Despite this, many sex workers work on the streets or independently and not always have health checks. Violation to the sex work law is punishable with fines. Pimping, commercial sexual exploitation of adults and minors is illegal and severely punished. There is a worrying presence of Dominican prostitutes in Uruguay who took advantage of a formerly liberal immigration policy.
From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core. Jump to: navigation , search. Minors are not allowed to enter brothels, in addition of performing any kind of activity inside.