WEIGHT: 46 kg
Breast: Small
1 HOUR:200$
NIGHT: +100$
Sex services: Golden shower (in), French Kissing, Massage, French Kissing, Parties
Whydo so many girls prostitute themselves and is it worth it to work as a sex massage girl? The short answer: It depends.
If she's an average looking girl, over , she most likely won't be working in higher class massage parlors that attract clients that are willing to pay more. Rather, she might work a hours shift in a regular massage shop, that allows her offer clients a special massage i. HJ, BJ, full service to earn a few more bucks.
So, how much money do Bangkok sex massage girls make? Let's do the math. Assuming a massage price of THB, she'll earn just for the massage per hour, while the shop keeps the rest.
The charge for 'extras' are approximately , and for a handjob, blowjob and sex, respectively. On average, she will do at least 3 handjobs and one full sex session per day.
This equals:. Assuming that she has her period and a few days off, she will work maximum 20 days per month, which equals to a net income of 59, THB on average per month. If we compare her to a clerk who works in a hour shift, earning only 15,, THB, we see a good comparison of how much this money is in Thailand. We get an idea why to many women who have no education to those who have no prospect of getting a proper job , it can be so lucrative to work as a sex massage girl.