WEIGHT: 46 kg
Breast: Medium
1 HOUR:150$
NIGHT: +100$
Sex services: Golden shower (out), Toys / Dildos, Hand Relief, Golden shower (out), French Kissing
Contact Admin. Taiwan is the home of contradictions. A Republic of China Country that has declared that prostitution be legal from as a human right in designated areas but the government will not designate any areas effectively making it illegal.
Escorts and prostitution flourishes though in strange places like Barber Shops and Coffee houses of a night. Or massager parlours and KTV lounges.
Even Hotels that leave escort calling cards in the rooms and take a commission from the girls if they are called. Taiwan and Tapei boast strip clubs β however it is almost impossible to find one as they do not advertise and are only advertised by word of mouth by the locals.
Even though being gay was decriminalised by the Chinese government many years ago most Chinese do not flaunt being gay. Taiwan however has so many gay nightclubs and venues it will amaze.
Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in Asian culture that stems all the way back to 's when the Japanese had control of Taiwan and introduced geisha houses where beautiful Japanese women would engage in conversation with business men and serve them their food or drinks.