WEIGHT: 47 kg
Bust: DD
One HOUR:70$
NIGHT: +90$
Sex services: Fisting vaginal, For family couples, Foot Worship, Tie & Tease, Oral Without (at discretion)
Berne Sex Guide advises where to find sex , working girls , prostitution , street hookers , brothels , red-light districts , sex shops , prostitutes , erotic massage parlors , strip clubs and escorts in Bern , Switzerland. Berne German: Bern , the capital of Switzerland, is a small to medium sized city with a population of about , in the city proper and roughly , in the agglomeration area.
The prostitution scene changed a lot with the gradual coming into force of the Free Movement of Persons Agreement, from on. This agreement allows firms and independent workers from the European Union to work in Switzerland 90 days a year. As a result, a lot of European prostitutes started to come and work in Switzerland for short periods. This changed is easily perceptible in street prostitution.
Until the 's, most of the prostitutes were local, and a lot of them stayed in the business very long. You would see faces month after month, year after year, offering their services at the same place.
Now, street prostitution in Swiss cities is dominated by women who stay in Switzerland just for a while. Some of them come only once, some other come a few months every year. A big part of them are South American with a European passport and Spanish is the dominant language amongst the prostitutes. You have to be registered to prostitute yourself professionally in Switzerland , which, by law, only EU citizens are allowed to do. Until last year, the Swiss government would turn a blind eye, meaning girls from all over the world but mostly South America and Eastern Europe would flock to its brothels , but since they cracked down, there are only Romanian girls left.
Following places in Bern are considered as a Red-light districts. You can find prostitutes from these areas and many brothels located around the city. Union minimum price for prostitutes in Switzerland is CHF, but with the street sex workers you can always negotiate and get lower price.