WEIGHT: 51 kg
1 HOUR:100$
NIGHT: +100$
Services: Mistress, Oral Without (at discretion), Pole Dancing, Oral Without (at discretion), Toys
Autism Sweden Autism Sverige was founded in The Association is a non-governmental organization, working towards creating better conditions for children and adults with autism. The members are persons with autism, their families as well as professionals. The board consists of 12 persons and has the same combination of members.
In the Association had around 19 members, spread into 24 regional associations. What is the goal of the Association? The Association is working in various ways to improve the living conditions for these groups, primarily such as: - Spreading information about autism to improve the knowledge and understanding among the general public, families and professionals - Working for adapted training, residential conditions and occupation - Giving opportunities for persons with disabilities, their families and staff to meet and to exchange knowledge and experiences - Participating in the international co-operation - Following and giving suggestions to research within this field What do you get as a member?
How do we influence public opinion? The Association is actively working towards influencing politicians, authorities and organizations concerning questions about persons with autism through personal lobbying, participating in investigations and by making formal comments on official reports. Sometimes we work together with other associations. We also influence opinion via media through press releases and debate articles. How do we work internally? As a member of the Autism Sweden you belong to one of our regional associations.
The regional associations are legally independent associations with their own board, annual meeting and a variety of activities for the members. In spring the association has its annual meeting followed by a representatives meeting. At the representatives meeting at least two delegates from each regional association participate together with the board of the national association and the office staff to discuss actual questions.
Every autumn another representatives meeting is held, where one delegate from the board of each regional association participates, preferably the president, as well as the board of the national association and the office staff. The goal with this meeting is, in the same way, to discuss actual questions. Books, films, information material To improve the knowledge about autism, Asperger syndrome and other autistic-like conditions we are producing and selling books, films and other information material.