WEIGHT: 51 kg
Bust: C
1 HOUR:60$
NIGHT: +70$
Sex services: Fetish, Disabled Clients, Massage anti-stress, Sex vaginal, 'A' Levels
They keep me sane. I wanted to know if anyone had read the above article? I've just finished and feel - well, upset and uncomfortable more or less sums it up. It also referred to 'frustrated married men' requiring the services of prostitutes less these days because of sites like Tinder offering h.
Sorry - on phone! Tinder offers hook-ups which men are using more. So does this mean women looking for casual sex are unpaid prostitutes? I wondered if anyone else had seen this and had any thoughts. Maybe IABU but it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Thanks for reading. Link here: www. They are analysing data from PunterNet, so no information about male prostitutes even though they reckon they make up a fifth of the sex working population.
The point of the article is to demonstrate how the Internet is making prostitution easier and safer. I feel it is accentuating the positive rather.
For me, I found the analysis of women by body part uncomfortable reading. I feel reports like this add to the general media de-humanising of women, although maybe here it's justified? Possibly I'm reading too much into data analysis.
So does this mean women looking for casual sex are unpaid prostitutes" No, not at all, because it's their choice. It's true that the internet allows two people in other relationships to hook up when before they might never have met or might never have broached the subject of cheating if they had met.