WEIGHT: 58 kg
Breast: 2
One HOUR:100$
NIGHT: +60$
Services: For family couples, Massage, Oral, Toys / Dildos, Deep throating
Prostitution In India is the oldest profession, can be traced throughout recorded history. Sex workers in India are forced to choose prostitution as a profession because of the situation in which they are trapped and the lack of basic resources to survive. It's the same as We're selling our brains, they're selling their body for survival because they want food to eat and clothes to wear.
Practicing prostitution as a occupation in a country such as India that is rich in its spiritual heritage disturbs its social value. Yet it is very clear from the context that prostitution was already a historically practiced occupation.
Indian mythological characters such as Menaka, Rambha, Urvashi, and Thilothamma have been described as the utmost charm and feminine beauty has been considered prostitute acting. Prostitutes were also found during the Pandavas and Kauravas era. In Kautilya 's famous Arthasathra states rules and regulations as to how a prostitute should be, and how their lives should be.
Prostitution In India it has mostly taken the devotional route. The Devadasi scheme existed in ancient times, where it was a prevalent custom among Hindus to contribute their female child to dance in temples and worship God. The term Devadasi evolved, and it became a Devadasi system stating it as an institution. Devadasi is still a system and the noteworthy point is that it is said to flourish able.
The term devadasi means the female servants of 'gods. They studied classical dance and music along with their religious service, and because of this, they were given the distinction and high place in society. Dance and music these days were one of the prerequisites at the time of offering prayers made by these girls ' schools.