WEIGHT: 60 kg
Breast: A
One HOUR:30$
Overnight: +100$
Sex services: Domination (giving), Moresomes, Golden shower (out), Cum on breast, Golden shower (out)
Going back to the start, how did you first get into riding and then racing? Were you pretty successful straight away? How hard was the step up to elites, how did you find that transition? You've always had a prowess for steep and technical tracks, where did that skill set come from? Was it a reflection of the terrain you grew up riding? You've already mentioned your brothers, but was there anyone else that was particularly influential in your early career?
Then in you joined Commencal which was the start of a long relationship and partnership When you first joined them did you have any idea it would be the start of such a long relationship? Gaetan is both your boyfriend and teammate, how is it balancing a relationship alongside racing together in such close proximity?
Your first win came in Val di Sole in , were you knocking on the door of that for a while? Then the next one didn't come until A big, big gap! You had a very rough ride with a lot of big injuries, what kept you motivated and coming back for more? Was there ever any doubts in your head that enough is enough?
You're all finished school now? It was physiotherapy you studied, right? Is that something you want to come back to after you are done with racing? Did that knowledge you had help you through the injuries? Why did you feel the need to study instead of focusing purely on racing? After you are finished racing do you think you'd then be interested in working within the mountain bike circle as a physio? Could you explain that roll for anyone that might not know? Are you particularly involved in the women's side of things?
In your opinion how healthy is the women's side of the sport at the moment? It looks like there will be a decent boost next year with some junior girls moving up, riders like Mille Johnset, Vali Holl and Anna Newkirk.