WEIGHT: 50 kg
Bust: 36
One HOUR:130$
NIGHT: +70$
Sex services: Massage prostate, Cross Dressing, Ass licking, Fetish, Cross Dressing
More about tantric massage. Before each massage, it is necessary to have a shower, both for hygienic reasons and for a better feeling of massage. This is a one-way massage, which means that only a masseuse is the energy-provider. The program culminates in lingam massage i. Finally, you have time for rest, followed by a repeated shower and a subsequent farewell with the masseuse.
While leaving, the masseuse will give you a gift as a thank you for your visit. Suitable for clients who have already occurred tantra massage in Bratislava, or clients who do not have the problem of shame. As in the case of the classic program, it is a one-way massage, which means that only the masseuse is the energy provider. Suitable for clients who have already occurred tantra and wish to get involved in the actual course of the massage. This creates greater intimacy, thus you also become the energy provider.
Unique mysterious and exciting tantric massage, which you will experience only in our salon. More information will give you our masseuses. A program suitable for clients who already have a tantra experience and wish to get involved in the massage process, thereby making it even more intimate. Before each massage, it is necessary for us to have a shower, both for hygienic reasons and for a better feeling of massage.
In this program, the masseuse will enjoy the time by showering and will use gentle petting techniques for each other before start of massage itself. The program culminates in lingam massage means massage of your intimete parts. Finally, you have time for rest, followed by a re-shower and a follow-up session with the masseuse. When clients will be leaving us, the masseuse will give you a gift as an expression of thanks for your visit. Suitable for clients who have experience with tantra and entice their prostate massage.
Before each sensual massage, it is necessary to have a shower, both for hygienic reasons and for a better feeling of massage. This is a mutual massage and you are involved in the entire massage, by which also you become an energy provider. Prostate massage is performed simultaneously with lingam massage i. It is also referred to as the male point G and is an important contributor to orgasm.