WEIGHT: 57 kg
Breast: SUPER
One HOUR:250$
Overnight: +100$
Sex services: TOY PLAY, Striptease, Deep Throat, Uniforms, Pole Dancing
Customers are responsible for confirming that any prostitutes in Singapore they patronize are legal adults. It seems the local law requires that they even check identification. While prostitution is legal in Singapore, paying for sex with a minor certainly is not.
This report from The Star Online tells you all you need to know about the subject. The warehouse assistant yesterday became the third man to be convicted of sleeping with the year-old. Deputy Public Prosecutor Sabrina Choo told the court he met the girl at a coffee shop in the Geylang area in late Noticing that she looked young, he asked for her age and she replied that she was He told her she looked only 18 or 19 and asked to see her passport, but she refused.
The pair went to a hotel called The Sunflower for their tryst. Pleading for leniency, lawyer Andrew Tan said his client was gullible and believed her when she said she was older than 18, the legal age of consent for prostitutes in Singapore.
A second charge was taken into consideration. Yeo could have been jailed for up to seven years, fined or both. Former Singapore Land Authority executive Kum Chin Tiong, 57, has already been jailed for nine months for having sex with the girl. Security consultant Winson Chan Swee Teck, 49, was sentenced to four months.
A report on a completely different case seems to confirm that the onus for checking the age of prostitutes in Singapore falls on the customers. Prostitution is generally allowed here, but having paid sex with a girl under 18 is a crime under laws that were tightened in The maximum penalty is a seven-year jail term and a fine.