WEIGHT: 65 kg
Breast: E
1 HOUR:70$
Overnight: +80$
Sex services: Cunnilingus, BDSM, Anal Play, Sex lesbian, Games
Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands as long as it involves sex between consenting adults. Abuses like forced prostitution, underage prostitution and unsafe working conditions still occur. To give prostitutes better protection and improve their lives, the government wants to change the rules for businesses in the sex industry.
The government also wants to make it a criminal offence to engage the services of a prostitute younger than Sex workers are too often not treated like other workers due to prejudice about their work.
That is why the social and legal Health and safety in the sex industry News Question and answer Documents. Prostitution Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands as long as it involves sex between consenting adults. Question and answer Am I allowed to work as a prostitute in the Netherlands? As a prostitute, where can I report unsafe working conditions? Where can I get help if I am being forced to work as a prostitute?
As a witness, how can I report forced prostitution? News Position of sex workers to be improved.