WEIGHT: 53 kg
Bust: DD
One HOUR:60$
NIGHT: +90$
Sex services: Golden shower (in), Blow ride, Hand Relief, Swinging, French Kissing
People all over the globe have been hiring escorts for ages and there is a reason these services are so popular; people love sex and the company of gorgeous women and the quickest and easiest way to get it is by hiring a call girl.
The first thing you should do when hiring an escort in the country you are visiting is getting familiar with the local laws. In most cases, you will find out that prostitution is illegal and that if you want to pay for sex, you will have to sneak around and try your best not to get caught.
In Germany , you can hire an escort or a prostitute legally as long as she is over 18 years old. Thanks to these liberal laws, you can also easily find and hire escorts, or even visit brothels and similar establishments.
However, you should also know that not all escorts provide sexual services. Contrary to the popular belief, there is a pretty significant difference between escorts and prostitutes. Prostitutes provide sexual services in exchange for money while with escorts, sex is not the focus of what they do. They sell their time and companionship which may or may not include sexual services depending on the deal you strike with the escort of your choice.
That being said, if you want sex to be included in the experience you are paying for, you need to ask for full service or full companionship. If you visit a brothel, you will usually get to choose the girl right there on the spot and have sex with her in one of the rooms in this establishment.