WEIGHT: 55 kg
1 HOUR:50$
Overnight: +30$
Services: Pole Dancing, Spanking (giving), Sauna / Bath Houses, Blow ride, Strap On
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I love riding a bike in the dark, very late or very early, and very fast. People carrying guns to gain attention and cause alarm are a nuisance and a threat to their safety and those around them. Very wrong. Knowing that sporting a gun in the city freaks the living hell out of everyone, why would any normal, reasonable, psychologically balanced person do such a thing β unless they were seriously unbalanced, desperately sought attention, wanted to kill someone or get themselves killed?
The result there was that city lawmakers narrowly agreed to ban openly carried guns from the building. It scared people, and someone carrying a hog leg into city hall and reaching for it could easily be shot dead by a cop just trying to protect the public.
I know there are scores of gun freaks out there who say my consternation over people openly carrying guns is my own problem or paranoia. Follow EditorDavePerry on Twitter and Facebook or reach him at or dperry aurorasentinel. They say people carrying guns are the ones who are afraid? Holy smokes, you must live in constant fear if someone carrying a gun scares you so much.