WEIGHT: 62 kg
Breast: E
1 HOUR:30$
Overnight: +50$
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Contact Admin. No foot la, my Lady will haue me Lord sheet wid her, my Lord will sheet in de one side, and my Lady sheet in de toder side. My Lady sheet in de toder side: Is't not strange that a fellow of his starre, should bee seene here so long in Italy, yet speake so from a Christian? Nay Carolo, this is more strange, I ha bin in France, theres few of them: Mary, England they count a warme chimny corner, and there they swarme like Crickets to the creuice of a Brew-house; but Sir, in England I haue noted one thing.
Faith, that's soone answered, for S. Patricke you know keepes Purgatory, hee makes the fire, and his Country-men could doe nothing, if they cannot sweepe the Chimnies.
How now, what's this, a Nurses Bill? This is the Blackamore that by washing was turned white: She knowes not me, yet I haue beene in her company, I scarce know her, for the beauty of her cheeke hath like the Moone suffred strange Eclipses since I beheld it: What was he whom he killed?
Oh, his name's here; old lacomo, sonne to the Florentine lacomo, a dog, that to meet profit, would to the very eyelids wade in blood of his owne children. Tell Mathaeo, the Duke my father hardly shall deny his signed pardon, 'twas faire fight, yes if rumors tongue goe true, so writes he here. When you get in once, you neuer haue done: Does not your father liue about the Court? I fart di Lady is runne away from dee, a mighty deale of ground, she sent me backe for dine owne sweet face, I pray dee come my Lord away, wut tow goe now?
Are not we all enioyned as this day, Thursday is't not? I warrant, the Wiues of Millan would giue any fellow twenty thousand Duckets, that could but haue the face to beg of the Duke, that all the Citizens in Millan might be bound to the peace of patience, as the Linnen-draper is. I see, Friscabaldo, age hath not command of your blood, for all Times sickle has gone ouer you, you are Orlando still.