WEIGHT: 59 kg
Bust: C
One HOUR:150$
Overnight: +50$
Sex services: Disabled Clients, Sex anal, Golden shower (out), Cross Dressing, Striptease amateur
Prostitution in Greece is legal at the age of 18, and regulated. People engaged in prostitution may only work in state-run brothels called studios. They must register at the local prefecture and carry a medical card that is updated every two weeks. Greek authorities decided to implement a law which stipulates that all brothels must have permits. Many of these women are former prostitutes. It was proposed this should be reduced to m ahead of the Athens Olympics but the Greek government did not act on the proposal.
Solicitation is illegal, but common, and the number of street prostitutes is increasing. Condom use between sex workers and clients is low estimated to be 4. Greece is a destination, transit, and, to a very limited extent, source country for women and children subjected to sex trafficking. Some women and children from Eastern and Southern Europe , South Asia , West Africa , and East Asia , are subjected to sex trafficking in unlicensed brothels, on the street, in strip clubs, massage salons, and hotels.
The increase in unaccompanied child migrants in Greece has increased the number of children susceptible to exploitation. Some public officials have been investigated for suspected involvement in human trafficking. Police investigated 18 sex trafficking cases in 26 in The government prosecuted 25 defendants for sex trafficking in 97 in The government has increased victim protection efforts.
Police identified 26 sex trafficking victims, including five children, compared to 34 in During , Greece continued to experience a wave of migration from the Middle East , Africa , and Asia , consisting of a mix of asylum-seekers, potential refugees, economic migrants, and populations vulnerable to trafficking, among others. One international organisation estimated Greece received more than , migrants and asylum-seekers in ; some of these individuals, such as unaccompanied children and single women, are highly vulnerable to trafficking.
Unaccompanied children, primarily from Afghanistan , engage in survival sex and are vulnerable to trafficking. Recruiters target migrants in refugee camps from their own countries. Most migrants and asylum-seekers are believed to rely on smugglers at some point during their journey and in some instances are forced into exploitation upon arrival in Greece. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: Human trafficking in Greece.