WEIGHT: 50 kg
Bust: 3
1 HOUR:120$
Overnight: +40$
Sex services: Sex oral without condom, Watersports (Giving), Hand Relief, Strap-ons, Striptease
Show post s from this thread on one page Page of First Last Jump to page:. Brothels and clubs in Copenhagen and clubs shows that our girls also are willing to enter this arena, they just do not know it exist. Lapdance with no sex at all at one of the numerous strip-club traps in Oslo, Stockholm or Copenhagen? I recall a club in Stockholm that asked for 60 euros entrance and it included nothing!
All girls were semi-naked and would charge you insane prices for drinks etc. With the experience from Germany I never entered, but a lot of other guys willingly part with their money just to watch some east european girls strip. Scandinavia has become even worse than the States in regards to the sex-scene. Feminist biatches. I hear that you are familiar with the Scandinavian countries and our feminist morality.
Our morale is high at home, but in Greece are Scandinavian ladies notorious sluts. A Romanian woman who worked in Cyprus complained that her business gone bad because Scandinavian women offered sex for free. You can ask any Greek at any time what he thinks of Scandinavian women. We are not that wealthy.
Mr Sven. Girls are forced into the pay sex industry for economical reasons. And persuade the model type girls to sell their bodies in German FKK. Re Swedish clubs: The laws on prostitution in Sweden make it illegal to buy sexual services, but not to sell them.
Pimping, procuring and operating a brothel are also illegal. The criminalisation of the purchase, but not selling, of sex was unique when first enacted in , but since then Norway and Iceland have adopted similar legislation, both in What can be done to increase the lineup with ladies from other countries than Romania? It could be nice with scandinavian girls as well. I think that we all can do some commercial for our favourite FKK club in our home country if we want to attract more girls.