WEIGHT: 60 kg
Bust: Small
One HOUR:80$
NIGHT: +80$
Sex services: Travel Companion, Ass licking, 'A' Levels, Naturism/Nudism, BDSM (receiving)
Contact Admin. Prostitution is the sin of exchanging money for sexual pleasure and purpose. It involves all sexual acts for any type of compensation. It is a shameful profession which involves selling one's body for sexual pleasure to others in exchange of material gains. A prostitute is one who has sex with different people for money. It is a sin to be a prostitute, Most prostitutes sure do have countless reasons why they are into this act. They feel their reasons or excuses are good enough to justify this profession of shame among these are poverty, unemployment,hardship, homelessness, experience with rapist, compel or forced into it e.
Prostitution is the sin of either committing fornication or adultery as singles and married people patronize them. Having sexual intercourse with people you are not married to and multiple of them. Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute?
For it is said, " The two will become one flesh" But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with the spirit.
The Scripture specifically condemns having sex with prostitutes. If you have sex with a prostitute you automatically becomes one flesh with her meaning you are in a soul tie with her, just as husband and wife becomes one flesh through the act of sex. You mustn't force your daughter or another person's daughter into prostitution for God is against it. Desist from the wrath to come over unrepentant sinners. I see prostitutes every morning on my way to the office. I made it a point of duty to always look out of the bus window whenever we approach their brothel.
I even saw them a few hours ago when coming to my office, some of them were smoking while others were looking so expectant for customers, some were chatting with some men may be their customers. Now it grieves my heart to see them everyday hanging in that house of filthiness and destruction. My heart reach out to them and I do say a word of prayer for the salvation of their souls. Login Signup. Signup Login Contact Admin.