WEIGHT: 63 kg
Bust: A
1 HOUR:40$
NIGHT: +90$
Sex services: Sex vaginal, Sub Games, Hand Relief, Cross Dressing, Sex vaginal
Published: October 26, A neon sign in the window of an exotic massage parlour in the city. Sun files. A Toronto city committee has been asked to crack down on rub-and-tug shops masquerading as holistic centres. While the city depends on Professional Holistic Associations PHA to govern licensed holistic practitioners, many of those groups exist only on paper, the report notes.
The auditor also asks that staff conduct a thorough review of existing bylaws that govern the licencing of body rub parlours and holistic centres to see what options are available to prevent them from offering services not covered by their licence. According to the City of Toronto website, the city is not accepting any new applications for body rub parlours at this time. We encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts.
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