WEIGHT: 46 kg
Breast: SUPER
1 HOUR:120$
Overnight: +90$
Services: Photo / Video rec, Sex lesbian, Cunnilingus, Extreme, Blow ride
Window prostitution is a form of prostitution in the Netherlands and surrounding countries. The prostitute hires a working area of a window frame plus operator for a certain time period, often a day or half day. The prostitute is more independent and self-recruits and negotiates its own customers on price and services to be provided. An old term and method in the window prostitution is called uitpezen.
The prostitute provides an amount for which the customer may enter. Then, for each additional service they offer to pay extra. Window prostitution was originally a typical Dutch form of prostitution.
This form was created by tolerating silent prostitution in the old Red-light district in Amsterdam around the old church. Were at first completely closed the curtains, as the less stringent sexual morality was the curtains were open more.
Meanwhile, the curtains closed only if the customer has a prostitute. When the curtains were wide open went further in revealing the form of fewer garments that bore the prostitute. In Amsterdam , the traditional neighborhoods window prostitution the red light district , the area around the canal and the Ruysdaelkade.
In Rotterdam since the seventies window prostitution is not tolerated. In Alkmaar , there is a tolerance zone for windows on the Achterdam. In Arnhem , Spijkerkwartier was the Red-light district , but it was closed in January In Utrecht there is a special form of window prostitution: the women sit at the Zandpad behind the windows of houseboats. Twenty percent of the prostitutes work behind the windows. The basic price of a window prostitute in Netherlands is 25 to 30 euros for 20 minutes.