WEIGHT: 52 kg
Bust: B
One HOUR:150$
NIGHT: +40$
Services: Smoking (Fetish), Sauna / Bath Houses, Fisting anal, Oral, Massage erotic
You can edit almost every page by Creating an account. Otherwise, see the FAQ. Prostitution is completely legal in Austria as long as the papers are properly taken care of by the establishment and the girls working in it. However, it is banned in most other European countries. Vienna is also the most frequented and populated location for tourists with a high number of them going there to explore the paysex scene.
There are many kind of brothels in Austria, which use different business modell. Classic sex clubs or night clubs provides sexual services for customers, where they can buy alcoholic beverages too.
The sex workers do not have to pay to get work, and they share their earnings with the clubs. FKK sauna clubs are big wellness centres, where sex with girls are allowed. The sex workers pay daily entry fee to FKK owners, as well the customers. The girls can keep all of their earnings. Laufhauses are big houses with independent rooms. Sex workers rent the rooms on weekly or monthly basis, while the house owner manages the building. The girls can take all of their earnings.
Sex studios are small and cheaper brothels, they appeared on the market after few years ago. The girls working there share their earnings with the owners, but the clientele are worse and the working conditions are sometimes bad.
Maxim Wien is one of the best night clubs in the city and probably the most reputable classic sexclub. This place is well-known of its party events and high-class girls that offer a wide range of services.